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MIERA -- ALICE G. MIERA September 27, 1937 September 27, 2005 Happy Anniversary Alice Honey it's been 3 years now, that I celebrated our anniversary alone. It's been awfully hard and lonely, and I miss you. 65 years was a long time, and lots of beautiful memories - Thank You Honey. I repeat what I wrote you on our Golden Anniversary - To the Girl that has endured me "fifty years" - Through the years of laughter, and the years of tears - such spans of life are bestowed on few, and I would love to start all over again with you - the future we know not the past may grow dim, but forward we will go, our trust in Him! Our Heavenly Father - as long as there is "life" and "love", there is no such thing as "too late" - Love Always Wins! Your Husband, Louie
Left-red    Print Obit   Email-red   Published on: Tue September 27, 2005