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Stuht -- Ronald Richard Stuht died July 21, 2001. He was born April 1, 1941 in Menomenie Falls, Wisconsin. He is survived by his loving wife, Paula; sons, Randall (Randi) Stuht, Richard (Angela) Stuht; and daughter, Cindy (Rodney) Lewis. His life is celebrated through his nine grandchildren; Kaylee Stuht, Christopher Stuht, Phillip Stuht, Matthew Armenta, Ashley Armenta, Danielle Stuht, Amber Stuht, Andre Lewis and Keith Lewis. Ron began a career with AT&T in 1964 in New Mexico. In 1976, he transferred to Mountain Bell where he worked until his retirement in 1986. From 1987 to 1991, he served as the Director of the Gilbert Arizona Chamber of Commerce. Later he moved to Tucson where he became the Governmental Affairs Director and Lobbyist for the Tucson Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce. In that final endeavor of his life as with all before, he worked diligently, accomplished much, and made many, many cherished friends. He lived his life with vigor and purpose. He was kind to those he met, and was a pillar of strength to those who loved him. He will be greatly missed. A Memorial Service will be held at the Tucson Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce Saturday, July 28, 2001 at 10:00 a.m. Donations can be made to Carondelet Hospice Services."We love you Dad, and we look forward to being in your care for eternity."
Left-red    Print Obit   Email-red   Published on: Thu July 26, 2001