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KEAGLE -- Dee L. Keagle, 79, passed away after battling cancer, October 14, 2008. He was a long time resident of Albuquerque. He was born and raised in Red Cloud, NE June 6, 1929. He honorably served in the Army in the 1st Cavalry Division Artillery and served two tours in the Korean War, where he received the Combat Infantry Badge, Bronze Star Medal w/V Device and the Distinguished Unit Citation. He moved to Albuquerque in 1960, where he met our mother, Priscilla (Melo) Keagle and they were married February 1963. He worked and supported his family as a United States Postal Worker, where he retired from in 1987. Any one who knew our father, also knew he enjoyed sports, baseball, basketball, and bowling, just to name a few. He made several good friends through his work and the sports he played and will never be forgotten as a father, husband, and a good and giving friend. He is survived by his daughters, Frances Peel (Chicago), Valerie Keagle (Albuquerque); and Nathan Smith, grandson (Chicago). Dad you will be missed by your daughters and grandson.
Left-red    Print Obit   Email-red   Published on: Fri October 24, 2008