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BROWN -- Dan "Danny" Brown left this earth to begin eternity with his Savior on Monday, November 14, 2005 at the age of 18. He is survived and deeply loved by his parents, Tom and Raquel Brown; his sister, Danielle; his grandmothers, Dorothy Brown and Julieta Vela; and many caring aunts, uncles, and cousins. Danny was always thoughtful and caring, concerned primarily with the well being of other people. He was a sharp and intelligent young man with ambitions that included a college future and a career as a physician. Danny's clever wit and sense of humor livened up every conversation. His wide and bright smile always managed to light up the room. Danny's presence brought a sense of joy and comfort because his unconditionally caring and thoughtful manner, along with his consistent sense of humor, made those around him at ease. He had a clever and witty sense of humor and always managed to make others laugh with his intelligent comedy. Danny was a very smart and intelligent young man who always talked about deep thought-provoking questions atypical of his age. His intelligence was evident in his humor and his speech. Danny was born on November 10, 1987 in Largo, FL. He was brought up in a loving, Christian home. Danny had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, his Savior. He began his walk with the Lord at the age of 7. Danny had a passion for Jesus and longed to share Him with others. He mentioned the two people he wanted to meet, C.S. Lewis and Jesus. When asked who his heroes were, he replied, "No heroes, just a Savior." Danny knew and loved Jesus and looked forward to spending eternity with his Savior and Lord. Danny was a handsome and tall young man who loved his family dearly. He always put their needs and desires as his first priority. He was very protective of his family and was always concerned with their happiness and well-being. His friends also had a special place in his heart. He cared for them very much and created many incredible memories over the years. Danny was a senior at Hope Christian High School. He was very athletic and loved to play all sports, but excelled especially in soccer. He began playing at the age of 5. He played on the Varsity team for his school and also played club soccer for many years. Soccer was one of Danny's strong passions in life as he aspired to be a professional soccer player. We will celebrate Danny's life on Wednesday, November 23, 2005 at 2:00 p.m. at Hope Christian High School, Main Gym, 6800 Palomas NE, 87109, 822-8868 French Mortuary 9300 Golf Course Rd. NW (505) 897-0300
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