
Obituary for Chavez

Published in the Albuquerque Journal on Sunday June 14, 1998

IN LOVING MEMORY OF JOSEFITA O. CHAVEZ "TINY GRANDMA" It's been one year since our Lord sent for you. We have come to understand why, it is still sorrowful and we miss you so very much. We have the consolation of all our wonderful memories of you, Grandma, how I used to perm you hair, polish your tiny fingernails, paint your kitchen & put your fresh clean curtains up to make your house so comfortable & welcoming to all. We all have our special memories & miss you dearly.FOREVER IS TOO FAR TO SEE Forever is too far to see From where we stand today But loved ones who have reached ahigher view Have found a perfect home Where every sorrow goes away, And there they wait To welcome me and you . . .And though they go ahead of us To that eternal land, We can be sure they've found A happy place, And someday in the future, At our own life's journeys end, We'll gladly great each other Face to Face.I love you Grandma & miss you with all my heart. From Margie With special thoughts from all of your loving family, Jennie, Merilyn, Angela, Jessica, Andrea, Sebastian & Ramon.