
Obituary for Martinez

Published in the Albuquerque Journal on Tuesday April 11, 2000

DAVID MARTINEZ 12-12-29 TO 4-11-96 Happy Birthday Dad, for when you left to heaven that was your real birthday. That was the end of all pain and sorrow. I know in the word of God it says the departed know nothing and former things are forgotten, but this is just my way of relieving some of the pain in my heart, because I miss you so much. I miss your smile, the beautiful gleam in your eyes. I miss you driving up to my house to visit me. I miss you when I would go to your house and you would open the door for me with that beautiful smile. I know because of what the word of Gods says, your in heaven and in better hands, but I will always think about you and miss you, until we meet again. Thank you Lord Jesus for my precious Dad and the time you loaned him to me here on earth. Till we meet again Dad (I Love You Always), Your Daughter, Diana (Dickie)