
Obituary for Chavez

Published in the Albuquerque Journal on Saturday September 15, 2001

Anjala Marie Chavez died Monday, September 10, 2001 at the age of 42. Anjala is survived by her son, Angel; her mother, Bernadine Whitmore; and her brothers, Ron and Brian Chavez. Anjala was preceded in death by her father, Benito Chavez. Anjala was very talented in many ways particularly in the areas of music and art. Her ability to play the flute, guitar and other instruments gave enjoyment to many people. She was a kind and giving person, helping many in their time of need. Her cats were very important to her and she aided many a stray she came into contact with. Because of a daily battle with a severe case of asthma the past 12 years or so, Anjala's life was not always dictated by her, but rather by her illness. This most certainly prevented her from realizing her enormous potential. Anjala will no longer have to fight for a simple breath of air as she is in a place free of ailments. She leaves behind many people who loved and cared deeply about her, the way she did for them. This is especially true of her son, mother and brothers, Good-bye Anjala, you will be sorely missed! A viewing will take place on Monday, September 17, 2001 at 6:00 p.m. A Rosary will follow at 6:30 p.m. followed by a Memorial Service given by Deacon Baca. These will be held at St. Charles Catholic Church 1818 Coal Pl. SE, Albuquerque. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Animal Humane Association of New Mexico-615 Virginia SE 87108.

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